In Brief

Prenostik Student Learning Dashboard (SLD) is on a mission to help students learn more effectively and improve retention and graduation rates. Prenostik seeks to provide personalized, adaptive, and predictive one-on-one coaching at scale by providing learning fitness insights for self-regulated learning.

Business Summary

Prenostik Student Learning Dashboard (SLD) is on a mission to help students learn more effectively and improve retention and graduation rates. It is a chatbot, machine learning-powered, and scalable SaaS tool acting as a copilot during students’ learning journey by delivering targeted, personalized, and real-time actionable assistance to improve learning. It holistically identifies each student’s unique learning motivation challenges (subject difficulty, relevance to career goals, social and economic constraints, etc.) and provides specific recommendations to overcome the barriers. Coaching students on how to learn effectively by fostering a growth mindset, grit, and agency will help them become successful lifelong learners and prepare them for the continuously evolving future workforce demands. The SLD can be used for universities or private education institutions that provide small to large, in-class, flipped/hybrid, or online instruction formats

Social Impact

If the graduation rate increases by just 1%, three million more students will graduate, bringing benefits to both the students and society. The increased education levels will lead to higher employment rates, resulting in a decrease of 0.03% in the unemployment rate. This, in turn, will have a significant positive impact on the economy, with an estimated rise in GDP of $48 billion due to the increased human capital. The UN's Sustainable Development Goals 4, 8, and 10, which focus on quality education, sustainable economic growth, and reducing inequality, will also be addressed. Furthermore, increasing the graduation rate can help address the problem of underserved communities.

Meet the Team

  • Patrick Hong



Clean Earth Rovers

