In Brief

Flick provides signals to help reduce energy use during costly times of the day.

Business Summary

Flick has developed, patented, and commercialized a light switch, which provides color-coded signals on its face to help electricity customers lower energy bills and overall carbon emissions from ‘peak-time’ energy use. A second-generation, wireless plate product is under development.

Social Impact

Flick seeks to educate, raise awareness, and reduce energy use, resulting in lower bills and energy consumption, benefiting both the consumer and the utility company. UNSDG #(7) clean energy, (9) innovation and infrastructure, (11) sustainable cities and communities, (12) responsible consumption, and (13) protecting the planet.

Meet the Team

  • Andre Ramirez

    Co-Founder & CEO

  • Dan Hienzsch

    Technical Lead

  • Lisa Pacheco

    Director of Community Partnerships / Sales




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